Partner financially with ETG in advancing God’s Kingdom
We need your help both financially and spiritually in order to accomplish our mission of equipping evangelists worldwide. While we are always in need of more prayer, we also are requesting that you consider giving to ETeamGlobal financially.
We understand that giving is a large commitment and we want to honor that commitment by giving you the option to donate monthly, yearly or on a one-time basis. Thank you for your generosity as you think about partnering with us financially.
Why give to ETG?
We have found that we are most effective when we are training evangelists to go into their own communities. In order to train these evangelists around the globe, we need help your help to send ourselves and others.
Your Dollars at Work
We like to be as transparent as possible when it comes to the use of our funds. In the past year we have offered international forums in four different regions of the world. By giving $600 or $50 a month, you are sending one of our evangelists to train others worldwide and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.